The legal profession imposes on those who practice many duties towards his profession or the judiciary or his client or his colleagues
The duties of the lawyer towards his profession
The lawyer has to abide by many of the duties imposed by the rules and traditions of the profession,
and the most important:
- Commitment to the department played before a committee of lawyers to accept.
- Commitment to a code of honor of the profession.
- To adhere to the professional and personal behavior, the principles of honor, honesty and integrity.
- To perform all the duties imposed on him by the law and ethics of the legal profession and traditions that.
- A lawyer shall not practice the profession, only after swearing in front of the committee to accept the lawyers.
* Lawyer's office :
It must have a lawyer, a decent office for the practice of business law, but it is not permissible for a lawyer to open an office in his name only after his registration of lawyers admitted to the agenda before the Court of First Instance.
- The lawyer must notify the Commission to accept the lawyers and the legal affairs management address of his office, and any change of address.
- A lawyer shall not be taken from the lawyers or the courts buildings or anywhere else except his office rooms assigned a place for all people.
- A lawyer shall not be transmitted to the home of an opponent or to his place of work entrusted to him or to provide the necessary legal services, but must be done in the office except for cases of moral people that call it their business or exceptional cases.
- A lawyer shall not be attached to his office, to practice the profession, unless he be constrained by lawyers engaged in a table, it is not permissible for him to catch his office lawyer removed his name, or suspended from practicing the profession.
- Commitment to supervise the staff in his office and watching their behavior, and that checks for what they are performing assigned to him with honesty and integrity.
- Issue a power of attorney for lawyers working with him to allow them to tasks of the profession on his behalf production of documents and receipt of provisions and other measures of performance, as well as applying to renew their enrollment in their own schedules and pay fees on the dates prescribed by the law.
- May not seek to interview witnesses adversary of his client or discussion on the subject of their testimony before the performance in any case in order to influence them.
- Providing legal assistance to those unable. Which is in accordance with the ethics of the legal profession.
- Assigned counsel abide by the Legal Aid Commission that the work assigned to him, and he may step down, except for reasons acceptable to the party that .
- Assigned counsel abide by the court or the public prosecution to the defense of the insolvent without charge, in this case, the court estimated the lawyer's fees, and obliges the opponent sentenced expenses, and the lawyer may refer fees is on secondment from him if the case is still insolvent.
- A lawyer who was issued a disciplinary decision suspending him from practicing the profession during a certain period, to open a law office all this time, and deprived of all the lawyers rights, however, remains subject to the provisions of this law, if practiced the profession in the period of the suspension, rewarded with a disciplinary write-off final name of the table.
- Do not write off anyone who may be named in the table, to engage in any act of the profession, the Commission did not accept the lawyers decided to return his registration in accordance with the provisions of the law Act No. 23 for the year 2016
- Not the lawyer may combine practicing law the following acts:
The office of the presidency and the cabinet or a parliamentary or municipal councils.
To engage in commerce.
Work in one of the ministries or other government agencies or bodies or public institutions, or associations or companies or banks, or among individuals, nor is the work of a lawyer's office lawyers, a combination of lawyers and other work.
Engage in any action contrary to the dignity of the lawyer, or not in accordance with the requirements of the profession.
- Not when the lawyer may practice his profession, to announce the same by any means of advertising, or to resort to advertising methods, or enticement, or the use of intermediaries.
Nor is such that:
Place the plate on the seat of his office bearing his name and qualifications legal.
Currently placed in front of the headquarters of the former office for guidance about the new office site.
- Anyone who has been holding a ministerial or public or private function, and ended his relationship with her, and worked as a lawyer, to accept in person or through a lawyer working for him, pleadings or taking any proceedings in any action against the party that he worked, and so over the next five years to the end of his relationship with that entity.
- It may not be a judge or a prosecutor, if he worked as a lawyer, to be an agent in person or through a lawyer working for him, in any case offered to him during his work or in another related case.
The duties of the lawyer towards the elimination
The lawyer has to commit to the elimination
consistent with the dignity of the judge and his position and prestige, and away from all that disturb that or disrupt the course of justice or delay the adjudication of claims, so that the status of independence on mutual respect in the practice of professional duty of both the judge and the lawyer and their role in achieving justice is the only adequate basis for cooperation between the judiciary and the legal profession, and on this basis should the lawyer taking into account the following:
Avoid contact the judge or discuss it privately out of court on a case before him.
Seek to resolve the succession career with the judge amicably.
Attendance private lawyer and maintain a decent appearance.
The lawyer should not sign the papers lawsuits or appeals before the courts is unrestricted in front of her and not to attend the hearing or practiced acts in violation of the provisions of the law practice, not to come before the Court is restricted to them.
Shall not comment on judicial decisions.
A lawyer must abide by the attendees at the deadlines set for the proceedings and facilitate the task of the judge takes into account his time Login directly into the merits of the case.
A lawyer shall not make any action or that there is a chapter in order to submit requests for a delay in the proceedings.
It must be characterized by the lawyer's behavior toward the court and the other lawyers frankness and fairness.
The duties of the lawyer to his client
Of the most important obligations of a lawyer to make very effort and care in his defense of his client and the performance of his career, and are as follows:
To submit to the principal frank opinion on the merits and in the potential outcome of litigation, whether existing or anticipated - after studying the documents and checked thoroughly - and, in particular when the principal on the power of attorney approval be subject to confirmation lawyer successfully issue.
Cooperation with the client and shown the necessary attention to preserve the rights and make the utmost effort to defend it, and inform his client about legal and material facts it has taken for this and that, which examines instructions or directives of his client, supporting documents and a thorough examination.
Inform his client stages of the proceedings, and where and he has to take the initiative to notify him of the provisions of the issue and to submit his advice with regard to challenge the ruling if it is in his interests and that draws look at the dates of the appeal.
The lawyer should refrain from any action which brings him gain or personal benefit by exploiting the trust placed in it the principal.
Inform his client immediately takes possession of any money or get him on his behalf or enter into possession.
A lawyer with the acceptance of any agency to disclose to the client any relationship linking the opponent or the other litigants, if any, and any interest in the subject of the dispute if it would such a relationship or interest that affect the power of attorney, and is a representation of conflicting interests disciplinary infraction.
Not to inflate its services or derogation while determining his fees and may not take advantage of his client's lack of experience or the financial ability to get exorbitant fees outweigh the services that has or can be carried out.
A lawyer to prevent his client from any transgression against judges, witnesses, litigants and agents opponents.
The lawyer to keep the secrets of his client and to documents and papers that is delivered to him, This obligation applies to workers in his office and continue to do so until after the conclusion after the agency.
The lawyer must when determining fees to take into account the following:
The duties of the lawyer towards his colleagues
The lawyer that is committed to the treatment of his colleagues to the requirements of the rules and traditions of the legal profession and Literature, as follows:
It shall not affect the differences between lawyers and clients to conduct their relations with each other.
It must prevail spirit of cooperation and fellowship between lawyers during the proceedings or when the exchange of notes required by the lawsuit in order to facilitate and speed pleading chapter in suits.
A lawyer shall not be detrimental to scientific colleague or professional reputation.
The relationship between lawyers agents in a single suit
If there are several agents in one case for a client and one, or more, they consulted in the preparation of motions and pleadings and arguments, and in the case of the different point of view in legal matters or vital point toward the principal, they should unite their efforts down to a unified view to protect their client.
Partnership between the lawyers in one office
Lawyer practicing law alone or partner with other lawyers, or in the form of a civil law firm, taking into account the necessity of the company's schedule under law firms, that includes the main constraint data contained Statute.
The participation or cooperation in one office between lawyers for the practice of the profession requires taking into account the following:
1. not violate any law or custom.
2. No one may be the name of the office, which involves deception.
3. shall not be a partner of the non-lawyers employed.
4. You must delete the name of a lawyer from the office name If you do not practice the profession.
5. Do not trust partners for their natural or legal persons or providing legal services to them may be if there are conflicting interests.